четверг, 22 сентября 2016 г.
Полезные сайты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку
1. Группа В Контакте, которая называется ЕГЭ 100 баллов.Содержит самые свежие новости, ежедневный разбор заданий, вся необходимая теория, разбор практических задач и многое другое можно найти там. В том числе огромная база видеоуроков.
2. Официальные сайты - ФИПИ и ЕГЭ. Там найдете демоверсии, кодификаторы и другие официальные полезные документы.
3. Тренажер Решу ЕГЭ. Здесь можно прорешать как готовые варианты ЕГЭ, так и составить свои собственные. Отличный тренажер для тренировки!
4. 4ЕГЭ. Замечательный сайт! Можно найти действительно полезные советы по стратегиям выполнения различных заданий.
5. Сайт издательства Макмиллан. Здесь можно пройти онлайн-тестирование в формате ЕГЭ и подобрать пособия для качественной подготовки к экзамену.
понедельник, 19 сентября 2016 г.
Говорим время правильно!
9.00 - nine o'clock
9.05 - five past nine
9.10 - ten past nine
9.15 - quarter past nine ['kwɔː:tə pɑ:ːst naɪn]
9.20 - twenty past nine
9.25 - twenty-five past nine
9.30 - half past nine [hɑ:ːf pɑːst naɪn]
9.35 - twenty-five to ten
9.40 - twenty to ten
9.45 - quarter to ten
9.50 - ten to ten
9.55 - five to ten
10.00 - ten o'clock
воскресенье, 11 сентября 2016 г.
Модальные глаголы
Очень интересно и необычно о модальных глаголах можно почитать здесь. Приглашаю всех, кто хочет изучать английский язык с удовольствием!
пятница, 24 июня 2016 г.
10 Inspiring Quotes about the Importance of Learning from Phil Williams
1. Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things. – Flora Lewis
Starting with learning languages, this is so important, because when you learn a language, English or any other, you are gaining an insight into another culture and another way to do things in general. It challenges your thinking, and shows you there is more than one way to do things.
2. The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. – Leonardo da Vinci
An important point, that learning for the sake of understanding is a reward in itself. Whatever else you do with your knowledge, knowledge is deeply satisfying.
3. The brighter you are, the more you have to learn. – Don Herold
Learning never stops – the more you learn, the more you realise you don’t know. Which is a wonderful thing, because it gives you opportunities to develop both in your skills and as a person!
4. The books that help you most are those which make you think that most. The hardest way of learning is that of easy reading; but a great book that comes from a great thinker is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and beauty. – Pablo Neruda
I love this quote because (as well as being beautifully written, I do recommend Pablo Neruda for colourful reading) it really challenges the idea of taking the easy route. What seems most difficult is likely to teach you the most, whereas what seems like an easy road will have fewer rewards (a case in point being how the use of purely listening-based or repetition drilled language exercises will not teach you to use a language).
5. It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts. – John Wooden
When you think you know everything, being able to find and refine the finer details makes all the difference. Think you fully understand a language rule? When and where do its exceptions occur?
6. I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it. – Pablo Picasso
You learn most from trying new things – if something is difficult, or seems impossible, the idea of learning from it is one of the biggest inspirations to facing it.
7. Learn as much by writing as by reading. – Lord Acton
Contrary to what writers are taught (reading is the best way to become a good writer!), this makes an important point that you have to be proactive in learning. Apply what you have learnt and see what really works.
8. You teach best what you most need to learn. – Richard Bach
And what you will find the most interesting to teach is what challenges your own thinking. If you really want to understand a subject deeply, try teaching it!
9. Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. – Albert Einstein
Wise words that show the importance of practical and meaningful learning – what you will really remember and use in life is what matters most in learning, so always find a way to make your learning meaningful.
10. You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. – Richard Branson
Finally, an all-important point on challenging the norms and making mistakes. You can drill all the grammar rules and vocab meanings to death, but only when you apply them can you really come to understand them.
суббота, 14 мая 2016 г.
Пишем эссе
Хочу поделиться ссылкой на сайт, который, на мой взгляд, содержит огромное количество полезной информации для совершенствования навыков письма. Здесь можно найти как теорию, так и образцы написания писем разного характера, обзоров, эссе и есть даже правила написания песен. Более того, можно подписаться и послать свою работу на проверку, которая вернется к вам проверенная и с подробными комментариями от грамотного носителя языка. Вот этот замечательный сайт Free Essay Pre-Grading!
четверг, 14 января 2016 г.
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